SIPOC is a tool to capture information about processes. SIPOC is an acronym for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Consumers. A SIPOC is typically captured in a table or grid format.
Here are a couple of examples based on some quick google research. Click on them to zoom.
PrimaryScape™ can be used to capture the SIPOC process model. The most simple representation using only the SIPOC terms is shown below.
However, this simple model can be elaborated to more clearly capture the concepts involved. Input and Output is information which comes from and goes to the Supplier and Consumer respectively.
The Process itself is realized in some kind of structure. Showing the structure which realizes the Process help convey the scope of the SIPOC.
The Process is triggered by an Input data transfer from the Supplier and it ends by transferring Output data to the Consumer. However, most behavior tend to act on information and produce information. In this expanded SIPOC model both reference information and transactional information are shown.
PrimaryScape™ diagrams are also easier to explain by using a sequence of diagram snapshots. The mini slideshow below is an example of using this trick.
[slideshow_deploy id=’250′]
These kinds of storyboards makes it possible to present relatively complicated diagrams while at the same time bringing the audience along step by step. This greatly increases the chance that the audience will truly understand a complicated diagram.
I use PrimaryScape as my standard presentation format for business stakeholders. It provides a simple view of systems and data. I also color code my outlines and connectors to show current status. For example, solid green means all phases complete, whereas dotted green means some phases complete. I use yellow for in progress and red for future.
It is a powerful communication tool that is easily understood by business and technical people.