Author name: Andreas Amundin

The difference between data access and data transfer

I was recently asked the following question: “What was your intent for distinguishing data access and data transfer? – I failed to appreciate the significance, or the fundamental reason…“ The quick and simple answer is that data transfers result in information being copied and data access represents interacting with information in situ. The more elaborate […]

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PrimaryScape for Product Managers

One of the great challenges for customers of enterprise software is to understand how a product truly functions.  Every product company has their own approach to visually describe their products to the customers.  Often this involved beautiful looking diagrams.  Some product companies are better than others when it comes to clearly conveying how their products

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Reality Based Architecture

Architecture in the simplest terms is something which allows many people to gain a shared understanding.  I have found that this perspective on architecture maps to traditional construction architecture as well as the various fields of architecture which exist within Information Technology and Enterprises in general. Reality based architecture is the idea that architecture can be

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SIPOC is a tool to capture information about processes.  SIPOC is an acronym for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Consumers.  A SIPOC is typically captured in a table or grid format. Here are a couple of examples based on some quick google research.  Click on them to zoom.    ref 1, ref 2, ref 3,

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